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Counselling centres for victims of sexual violence

There are four specialised counselling centres for victims of sexual violence in Saxony-Anhalt. We offer counselling and support to victims, their family and support persons as well as professionals – all while respecting confidentiality. We invite you to try our services and see if they help you. Counselling will be tailored to your needs. Counselling is voluntary, can be anonymous and is always free of charge

We will support and accompany you:

  • in dealing with what you have experienced.
  • no matter when the violence happened or whether it is still happening.
  • in times of need.
  • in finding appropriate psychotherapy or other supportive therapies.
  • before, during and after legal proceedings.
  • during stabilisation and (traumatic)) stress management.
  • in finding appropriate additional support services.
  • in the event of concern for another person (a child, your partner, someone you know…), even if the concern is vague.

Zuständigkeitsbereich: Magdeburg, Jerichower Land, Bördekreis, Harzkreis, Salzlandkreis

Wildwasser Magdeburg e. V.

Adresse: Ritterstraße 1, 39124 Magdeburg

Telefon: 0391 251 541 7
SMS/Signal: 0171 – 295 15 71
E-Mail: info@wildwasser-magdeburg.de

Web: www.wildwasser-magdeburg.de

Halle (Saale)

Zuständigkeitsbereich: Halle (Saale), Burgenlandkreis, Mansfeld-Südharz, Saalekreis

Wildwasser Halle e. V.

Adresse: Große Steinstraße 61–62, 06108 Halle (Saale)

Telefon: 0345 523 002 8
E-Mail: info@wildwasser-halle.de
Web: www.wildwasser-halle.de


Zuständigkeitsbereich: Dessau, Wittenberg, Anhalt-Bitterfeld

Wildwasser Dessau e. V.

Adresse: Törtener Straße 44
06842 Dessau-Roßlau

Telefon: 0340 220 692 4
E-Mail: wildwasser-dessau@t-online.de

Web: www.wildwasser-dessau.de


Zuständigkeitsbereich: Stendal, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel

DRK Kreisverband Östliche Altmark e. V.

Adresse: Bruchstraße 1, 39576 Stendal

Telefon: 03931 210 221
Fax: 03931/70 01 04
Mobil: 0176 / 52115290
E-Mail: miss-mut@drk-stendal.de

Web: www.drk-stendal.de


Familienhof Salzwedel

Adresse: Schmiedestraße 13
29410 Salzwedel

Kontakt über Hauptstandort Stendal

Telefon: 03931 210 221
Fax: 03931/70 01 04
Mobil: 0176 / 52115290
E-Mail: miss-mut@drk-stendal.de

Web: www.drk-stendal.de


Familienberatungsstelle der Diakonie HBS

Adresse: Carl-Ritter-Straße 16, 06484 Quedlinburg

Kontakt über Hauptstandort Magdeburg

Telefon: 0391 251 541 7
SMS/Signal: 0171 – 295 15 71
E-Mail: info@wildwasser-magdeburg.de

Web: www.wildwasser-magdeburg.de


Beratungszentrum der Diakonie JL-MD

Adresse: Poststraße 3, 39307 Genthin

Kontakt über Hauptstandort Magdeburg

Telefon: 0391 251 541 7
SMS/Signal: 0171 – 295 15 71
E-Mail: info@wildwasser-magdeburg.de

Web: www.wildwasser-magdeburg.de


Adresse: Merseburger Straße 70, 06268 Querfurt

Kontakt über Hauptstandort Halle

Telefon: 0345 523 002 8
E-Mail: info@wildwasser-halle.de

Web: www.wildwasser-halle.de

And: You don’t have to have experienced something “terrible”. You can also ask us about something “small”. Even if you just have a gut feeling. We also have time for a short conversation. Just get in touch. We are there for you. And we look forward to meeting you!