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Ambulante Frauen­beratungs­stellen

Inter­ventions­stelle / Fach­beratungs­stelle bei häuslicher Gewalt und Stalking

Fachberatungsstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt

Hilfe bei Frauen­handel, Zwangs­ver­heiratung und ehr­bezogener Gewalt/Fach­stelle Vera


Fachstelle Täterarbeit

Hilfe bei Genitalverstümmelung

This is who we are.

Since 2008 we have been the national network for a life without violence. We actively work against violence in the social environment. As multipliers, we travel to different regions to raise public awareness.

Our network is made up of the following groups:

  • National Working Group of Women’s Centres
  • National Working Group of Women’s Shelters
  • Intervention Centres for Victims of Domestic Violence and Stalking
  • Counselling Centres for Victims of Sexual Violence
  • Specialist office for working with perpetrators of domestic violence in Saxony-Anhalt (LSA)
  • Vera – Centre for victims of human trafficking and forced marriage
  • Women’s Council of Saxony-Anhalt, with a focus on hate crimes and digital violence
  • Mobile team for psychological support of women and children in women’s shelters
  • DaMigra

We also work with the state working group of municipal equality officers in Saxony-Anhalt. In addition, the police victim protection officers take part in the network’s consultations.

We meet regularly to share our knowledge. We also discuss current issues, projects and events.

In addition to our work to prevent violence, we are also advocates for victims. We are constantly learning and engaging in educational and awareness-raising activities to share and expand our knowledge. 

As violence increasingly manifests itself through technological developments and gives rise to new forms of violence, the Women’s Council of Saxony-Anhalt has set up a new focal point. This position trains professionals working in violence prevention and raises the awareness of the public to the comprehensive protection of women* and children, including protection from digital violence and online hate.

The network is organised by the State Coordination Office for Civil Society Actors for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention – LIKO. It is under the auspices of the Paritätischer Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt (Parity State Association of Saxony-Anhalt) and is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Equal Opportunities of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.